The quotation from the brokers of cryptomoedas ended up even giving way for people to defend Singu
and its way of declaring profits, since it said it invoiced much more than was found in the financial audit of the company (as stated by Raiam).
Natura is one of the most respected companies in Brazil and an investment considered safe by many people. As any other stock, company’s titles (NTCO3) are also susceptible to falls, but many are pointing to a fight and conflict of interest between some involved in company’s society and a digital influence as the reason for the recent fall of company’s shares.
Well, to start understanding Foxbit and Bitcoin Storm involvement in the whole situation, we must first understand the basics of what happened. It all comes down to some known names, mainly Natura, Singu, Raiam Santos and Tallis Gomes.
Despite being somewhat impactful to investors, the conflict has also reached the crypto market, as two crypto brokers, Foxbit and BitcoinTrade, have also been cited.
Are Natura stocks falling because of influencers fight? Understanding the Case
Singu is a company in the area of beauty products and services, created by Tallis Gomes, who was also the creator of Easy Taxi. Although it is not very expressive, Singu ended up being bought by Natura, a very important investment, but which ended up generating different governance problems for Natura, which until recently was a normal investment.
So Raiam do Santos, a digital influence with a fight with Tallis Gomes, which ended up divulging several data and balance sheets about Singu, raising different points that left the market worried. First, Raiam divulged that Singu is a company of low profit and that has generated loss for several months, not justifying Natura?s investment.
It was then that more information complicated the situation, according to what was divulged, one of Singu partners is Matheus Farah Leal, Guilherme Lea?s stepchild, which is one of Natura?s founders. This has raised a red alert to many, as far as some believed that Natura hasn’t invested on Singu because it believes that the company would bring valorization to its clients, but to „save“ one of the stepchildren of the majority partners of a bad investment.
To make matters worse, Natura hasn’t divulged to its stockholders, not even to the investment funds that put money on the company, about the involvement of Matheus Farah Leal at Singu and his connection with Guilherme Leal. This was characterized as a conflict of interest not divulged to the market, besides having created a governance problem between Natura?s partners, this represents a difficult problem to be dealt to the company with different future impacts.
Besides the problem with investors and partners, the documents also reveal that while the company had a low income, Tallis Gomes received almost millionaires salaries, which irritated many investors who were not having a return with Singus.
Check out a summary of the case:
Foxbit and BitcoinTrade involved with Natura?s case? Broker denies having lent money to Singu
The curious thing is that in the documents revealed by Raiam Santos, who brings several mutual investors from Singu, we have the name of two cryptomoedas brokers involved as the start-up creditors: Foxbit and Bitcoin Trade (legal name Peertrade digital).
Source: Singu/JUCESP Archives
The quotation from the brokers of cryptomoedas ended up even giving way for people to defend Singu and its way of declaring profits, since it said it invoiced much more than was found in the financial audit of the company (as revealed by Raiam).